This is really appropriate for me right now. It is a reminder to fill my own bucket with love and good moments so that I have a reserve I can use for others.
For me, that means I work on getting some of my stories ready to publish and not worry about whether the house is in the best shape it could be. It means I don't feel guilty about taking myself to lunch at an inexpensive restaurant. It means I choose to not feel guilty about going to see my parents because it means the family will need to wait an extra hour or two for dinner. It means getting up early to take a bubble bath alone, lighting only a single candle and playing some soothing music. It means buying a new CD to listen to on the way to work instead of the news or traffic reports. It even means volunteering to be on the board of the HOA. (OK, that one will take some explaining at a later date.)
So why are these little breaks and changes important to me? Because they evoke a change. A relaxing bath alone allows me to relax muscles tightening from stress or pent up feelings. A soothing bath for me is the best place to allow tears to flow and mingle with the calm around me. When I emerge from the tub, I am relaxed and can handle the interruptions and demands with more patience and understanding instead of instantly reacting. Taking myself to lunch interrupts the pressures and stress of an especially frantic, eventful day. The hour it takes to be served and eat allows enough time to focus on something beside the office politics. I can back away from the issues and see where or with whom the problem lies and disengage myself from trying to make everything better or take blame for something that wasn't my problem in the first place. I can then return to work, be more supportive of finding a solution and look at options instead of just reacting to what was said or done. Whenever I visit my parents, I always seem to leave with a feeling that I can handle whatever life throws me. It is not always something they necessarily say or do, but when I see them I am reminded that struggles come and go, and all we really need to do is just keep doing and being our best.
The point is, for even a few minutes, once in a while it is OK to think of yourself first, and the important people of your life second. It is OK to handle your stress, depression, mood or feelings. It is OK to find a refreshing release from the pressures of work, family, church or self-expectations for short moments so that you can come back to all of these things with a fresh attitude or perspective. It is OK to fill your bucket with love, peace and happiness. When you do you have something to share with others. When you fill your bucket with things that make you feel good, it will naturally, without effort spill over to others around you.
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