Sunday, April 17, 2016

Nothing is Impossible

Nothing is impossible - the word itself says "I'm Possible."

How many times have you or I found ourselves looking at a project, idea, task or offer and said "That is impossible!"  How many times have you then tried anyway and proved it was indeed possible?  Or seen someone else succeed at what you perceived as impossible to accomplish? 

Many times it is not the idea or task that seems impossible, it is the way we initially expect or envision it happening, and perhaps we could be right.  However, in almost everything, there is more than one way to try, act or accomplish it.  Many years ago I sat in a room with about seventy-five others and were challenged to cross a room.  The only rule was that you could not do it exactly the same as anyone before you.  The idea seemed impossible, after all there are only so many ways to walk, run or skip, or so we believed.  As the challenge proceeded, imagination and thought grew among the group.  Not everyone walked, or ran, or skipped or used shoes or feet or held their arms or hands or feet the same.  We found surprisingly that not only were there 75 different ways to cross a room, but also many more we did not have time to attempt. The experience was one of the best I have ever had in helping me understand that if something looks or sounds impossible, I need to take a second look and remember the way may just be something I haven't thought of or tried yet. 

What looks or feels impossible to you right now?  Now say to you yourself, this is possible.  Take another look and try something different. Remember too, what seems impossible for one person may be absolutely possible for someone else only because they did or thought of something the other person had not explored yet.  Remember you are the one that may be perfect, have the knowledge, will, determination, experiences or imagination to do what someone else also thought impossible. 

Take a chance. Look for the IM POSSIBLE ways in everything you see or try.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

You Can't Forget Them
"Trying to forget someone you love is like trying to remember someone you never met." Unknown.

Forgetting Someone...

 I have  seen some posts on social media lately about forgetting people, especially those who have hurt us in some way.  I understand the pain these people are expressing, for I have too many times felt exactly as they do.. I wish I could say forgetting someone was easy, however I have not found it so for myself. 

These few quotes explain far better than I that forgetting someone who has been a part of or touched our lives, whether for good or bad, is not easy.  With some we may not ever want to forget.  With others, we may not have liked the experience at times, but there is always something we learned, a way we have grown or somehow changed because of their presence.

 No matter how much you want or even try to forget, there will still be moments which come that will remind you of them.  It may be clear memory, or a hazy moment you relive quickly.  It may be something you do you began when you knew them or something you have only done since that reminds you.they were once part of your life.  It may even be a tear shed or a smile which suddenly overcomes you at an odd moment with an unexpected thought.

So what do you do when these moments occur?  Take a deep breath and savor the moment.  Let the thought come and go, trusting there was a reason it was there.  Recognize and be grateful in that moment for something about them which made a difference in you.  Give yourself credit for surviving, growing, loving or learning through the experience of knowing them.  Silently wish them well wherever they may be and feel good about where you are. Feel the beauty and love you have now.