Thursday, February 19, 2015

Perfect Day

Today is a perfect day to have a perfect day
A friend shared this thought with me awhile ago, and ever since I find it comes to mind frequently.  Today I want to share it with you.
Every day begins perfect.  It is new, fresh and ready.  It is a full 24 hours that has never before been available to be used or enjoyed.   It is perfect, clean and untouched, simple in appearance.  Today is a clean slate as yesterday or the past are gone.   Today holds only opportunity. It starts perfect and ends perfectly each time.  
 It is what you do with the day or more importantly how you perceive the happenings and events which occur, or choices and wishes for the day that make it appear as less than perfect. Remember too, sometimes what does not appear as perfect may indeed be perfect, if not for you for someone else or a reason you may not understand in the moment.  If at any moment it appears less than perfect, you can stop, change your view or change your choices. 
Take a few moments right now and think about what you consider a perfect day to be. Does part of your day involve spending time with family or friends? Are you at home, work or somewhere you have been yearning to go?  Is there a portion of your perfect day that is spent relaxing or do you see yourself creating something of value you have not had the time or support to accomplish?  Are you using talents and strengths you feel someone doesn't know about or are you able to do something freely without feeling stress someone will be judging it?  Are you surrounded by nature or strolling leisurely through a museum or gallery or favorite shop?  Would you dine alone or with friends? Would you wake early to take advantage of all hours of the day or would you enjoy turning off the alarm in order to catch up on missed sleep?  Is there a little laughter and fun or are you content to  make it through the day worry and problem free?
Chances are, like most people, you found that there was no single perfect day, but a variety of things you wish you could do or enjoy more often. Did you see how even one choice made the difference?  Did you realize how perfect each day may already be for you? Hopefully, what you discovered is your power to make each day perfect by looking for or creating one moment (or more) you feel is perfect. 
This is a perfect day for you to have a perfect day.  Mine is already perfect because I am able to share with you. 

Monday, February 2, 2015

Challenge Yourself


When someone suggests a challenge what do you normally think about?
 For many the word triggers negative feelings and thoughts.  Do you picture something hard? Do you shake at the thought of doing something whether you want to or not?  Do you envision yourself in competition and losing?  Do you worry that you might not be able to meet the expectations set?  Do you expect to be laughed at or ridiculed for failing? Do you feel inferior in some way and afraid?
Or are you one for which the word triggers a feeling of excitement?  Do you get anxious to show you are better than someone else?  Do you feel anticipation of something exciting about to begin?  Do you look forward to trying something you may have never done before?
I hope you are the latter, however if you are not, that is OK.  The majority of people I have encountered through the years would find them themselves in the first category, experiencing fear and trepidation. 
The truth is Challenges are a part of everyday life.  You don't always get to pick them, but you do always get to face them.  How you meet the challenges you are given or the ones you give yourself is your choice.  You can develop the skills to master each one in the perfect way for you.  That does not mean that you will always come out the winner, be the best or achieve perfection, but you will always learn and be better in some way.
Among the definitions of Challenge found in Merriam-Webster dictionary are:
  • to demand as due or deserved
  • to dispute especially as being unjust, invalid or outmoded
  • to confront or defy boldly
  • to arouse or stimulate especially by presenting with difficulties
  • to invite into competition
The best person to create a challenge for you is you.  No one knows or understands you better.  No one knows better than you what you dreams, wishes and hopes are or the person you want to be now or in the future.   No one knows better than you what your strengths or weaknesses are and how they affect your present circumstances.  Finally no one knows better than you the choices you make each day that either keep you where you are or move you in new directions. 
Thinking about the definitions above, what kind of challenge could you give yourself at this time? Keep in mind, it does not have to be hard, unless you enjoy facing hard challenges.  It does not have to look a certain way.  Remember this is something for you not for someone else so as long as it works for you it doesn't matter how someone else may see it.  It is OK to have fun, to laugh, to incorporate something unusual or to enjoy the process. 
What is it you feel you deserve?  What do you want right now you don't feel you have?  What is it you have wanted but put off because of someone or something else in your life?  Challenge yourself to treat yourself to one thing that comes to mind.  Challenge yourself to do something nice for you.  It might be as simple as taking that long bath you wanted, going to the gym or buying a new outfit.  The challenge may be nothing more than one time saying no to someone so you can say yes to you. 
What is it you have thought more than once about changing?  Is it something about you? Something in your home you wish you could replace or feel you don't need any longer?  What is it about you, your surroundings or relationships you could work on removing, updating or improving?  Maybe it is finally throwing out an article of clothing you have worn for so too many years to admit and buying one that is not so threadbare to replace it.   Updating your home may be as simple as adding a new plant, some new pillows, hanging a new picture or buying a colorful fleece blanket to throw over a favorite chair you just can't bear to part with.   Maybe your challenge is to improve a relationship and all the effort it requires is one smile a day
What is it about you would like to learn, improve, be better at?  What would you like to do more often.   What would it take to arouse or stimulate your passion?   Buy a $2.00 set of children's watercolors and  let your creativity erupt.  There is nothing that triggers a desire to go fishing like finding a new lure or a new wilderness spot.  Challenge yourself to find one "how to" book on something someone said you might not like.  You will be surprised how wrong they were.  
Challenge yourself.   Do it today, tomorrow and even the following day.  Make it fun.  Make it worthwhile.  Make it personal.  Most of all make it fun and easy.  Enjoy one challenge and find out how enjoyable it can be to do it again and again.  Then stand back and look at what occurs and smile.  You Did It.