Wow, I don't know about you, but this is surely true for me at times, particularly lately. Very few of my days lately have been even close to boring or peaceful. What little time I had between work, caring for the home, church obligations and family needs has been added to with extra appointments, court ordered visits, medical follow-ups and additional family responsibilities. My writing time seemed to evaporate (again) as I made other things my priority.
So how do you or I cope when this happens? Just as we have been doing- one day at a time. It may feel like we are asked or expected to accomplish more than can fit in a single day, but the days do still come one at a time.
What you can do is be flexible and kind to yourself. Find a moment to take a deep breath. What would you normally be doing during a particular time which is now filled with an usual demand for your attention? Can the normally scheduled activity be done at a later time (perhaps tomorrow) or could it even be dismissed until the next time it might already be scheduled? Instead of trying to accomplish everything on a list of to-do items for the day, pick only the most important three (3) for the day. Then make sure, when they are completed, to congratulate or reward yourself for a job well done. (My favorite mini reward is a small piece of chocolate or a handful of nuts.) Stay focused on what you can do with your resources and time rather than stressing over what you can't accomplish. Change your perception of what your day holds. Instead of being irritated you have to drive across town to attend a meeting, choose to enjoy the opportunity to listen to music on the radio or ten minutes of quiet you have been wishing for the past few days. Do something simple just for you. (Today I chose to wear a different perfume and put a clip in my hair.)
Remember, you are not alone. There are many of us doing just what I am suggesting for you. Live one day at a time, the best you can, then do it again when another day comes. If looking forward to tomorrow gives you hope, go ahead. If you can look back at yesterday and see how great you were so you can believe in you, go ahead. The important thing is make the best of today.
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