What do you want? Do you want to learn new skills? Do you want to change a habit? do you want to meet someone? Do you want to try something you have never tried before? Do you want to buy something? Do you want to go somewhere? Do you want to change employment? Do you want to start your own business? Do you want to share with someone?
We all have wants. Wants may appear in many forms. We may get an idea, have a dream, feel a yearning, make a wish or see something we hadn't noticed or thought about before. Some days they wait patiently to be acknowledged. Other days they demand to be noticed, felt or acted upon. Rarely, once acknowledged, if not acted upon, they will slip away and be replaced by a new want. More often, if not acted upon, wants have a tendency to make us feel uneasy, unhappy or uncomfortable with what we presently have or what we are presently doing. They push us to try, experiment, move, reach out, expand, learn and grow.
There may be many reasons we do not act to fulfill our wants and wishes. One of the biggest reasons I have heard from people I know, and I face myself, is fear. I have heard fear defined as "False Evidence Appearing Real". My Merriam Webster Dictionary defines fear as "an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat". However you define pain, it is something that often gets in our way of acting on or fulfilling our wants and wishes to have, to be, to improve or to accomplish something of worth, value or excellence.
The advice above has come to mind many times over the past year as I have been faced with challenges and decisions. I wanted a new home of our own. My biggest fear was that I would get locked into a mortgage and then be unable to pay for it in the future because of a change in income. I had to decide that I wanted a home we could call our own more than I was afraid of the possibility of change of employment or means of supporting my family. As a result we were blessed to find a wonderful home we all enjoy. Just this month I had to decide joining a local writing group and learning from other writers was more important to me than the fear of rejection or misunderstanding.
As a result I enjoyed a wonderful writer's conference and met some people I am eager to have more contact with.
I encourage you today to empower yourself. Look at the things you want, decide what is most important to you right now and then push through the wall of fear that has blocked your way. Want it more than you are afraid. You deserve to enjoy the pleasures, growth and excitement that will come your way. .
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