Everyday is twenty-four hours long. There is nothing you can do to alter the length (although I am sure there are some you wish were longer and others you wish would end sooner). Each day comes and goes whether we wish it to or not, for just as we wish some days are shorter, so we sometimes dread the next day to come because of something we believe or anticipate occurring.
Yet even on those seemingly less than perfect days, there are moments, if we look, which are good. The children may be having one of those days where it seems their full purpose in life is to be underfoot and demanding your attention. Yet amidst the frustration and chaos is the knowledge they love you and want to be near you. Perhaps your boss yelled at you for not delivering the work he expected you to finish, yet the good part is he has a high enough opinion of you to expect a certain level of performance. It could even be a day when the principal demanded you come and pick up your child because he/she is behaving but today you had the opportunity to listen and understand the world as seen from your child's perspective.
No, not everyday is the same. Some are good and some are not so good, but we can, if we allow ourselves, see the good in each one.
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