This poster, which someone posted to Facebook last year, is a great reminder to think about how we talk about life as it happens to us or around us. Do you, like I, sometimes catch yourself feeling as though there is no end to the troubles or no way you can accomplish something? Have you ever been stuck in any of the feelings on the white squares? I know I have, sometimes for several days at a time. If you are anything like me, those feelings and words are energy draining.
So, what do I do? I look around me for the good. It is always there, waiting for me to acknowledge that hope exists. Then I, as this suggests, change the words I use. In my experience you can't describe something good in a negative way. Once I find something good in the circumstances, hope seems to expand to crowd out the negative and gratitude soon follows
Would you mind if I share a few examples? Thank you.
- I don't understand why my daughter must be sick so much, it doesn't seem fair. On the other side, isn't it wonderful that she is here as an extra source of love for other family members?
- I give up. My books aren't selling as I want. I can't write consistently because family circumstances keep getting in the way. However, writing feels exciting. Writing is one way I can reach out to others and offer encouragement. If my words touch one person to make their day a little better my efforts are of worth.
- I can't make this any better. Maybe I can't today and that is okay. If I stop, for a moment and reflect, I recognize that what I have is already of value, already good. If it weren't I wouldn't care about changing it. The good in the moment is the belief that change is possible.
- I'm not good at this. Really? Not good or didn't I get the result I expected. The good is I tried and learned. I may have learned something new or I may have learned something about myself, my wants, needs or feelings. So maybe I wasn't as good as someone else in this subject or project, but I am good at learning, and can now make an informed choice whether to continue or try something else.