Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Four types of Motivation


 image from IDEYL.com

 Last evening, as I was browsing the internet, I came across something which really resonated with me.  The original article that caught my attentions was about why one person may be elected over another person.  It talked about opposite types of motivation thinking which the writer felt was dividing the country.   What interested me were the terms extrinsic and intrinsic.   As I read, I had a personal A-Ha moment regarding how I am blocking myself when I sit down to write,  
After reading this particular piece, I thought about what I had felt as the author of the article discussed the two terms.  As a result I decided to look for another article on those terms.   Happily, I was led to another article which stated that intrinsic and extrinsic motivation were only two of four kinds of motivation. (Intrinsic, Extrinsic, Identified and Introjected)  With your permission, I would like to share just a few ideas about these ideas which I learned, or rather stuck with me as interesting.  
Intrinsic Motivation is driven by personal satisfaction.  Intrinsically motivated people feel compelled to pursue goals for its own sake, out of interest or enjoyment. For example, journaling, or pursuing a new hobby.  Singing or dancing, just because you enjoy it might fall into this area.  
Extrinsic Motivation is driven by external rewards or punishments. Extrinsically motivated people often pursue a goal because it will benefit them in some way, such as money or praise.  For example, if you want to lose weight because you think it will make you look good or appear healthier. A desire for praise is common, as is a fear, such as loss of love, work or resources. 
Identified Motivation is driven by outside sources, rewards or punishment.  Identified motivation is sometimes seen when a person desires to be like someone else, particularly someone they may admire, appears to have more, or is perceived as cool or important to others.  Identified motivation can sometimes be driven by fears, such as a fear of failure or not being seen as of worth as themselves. 
Introjected Motivation is driven by one's values and beliefs. This type of motivation occurs when one believes they have skills or abilities which can be used productively.   It involves pursuing a goal because of a desire for personal growth or social contribution.  This type of motivation may prompt one to seek out some additional training, or reach out to a friend or neighbor in service. 
I encourage you to take a few minutes and think about what type of motivation has been at the center of your most recent actions or decisions.  Are your enjoying life, or chasing someone else's dream life?  For myself, I realized, I am my best when I am intrinsically motivated or choosing into introjected motivation.  However, I will continue to admire and listen, with respect to many men and women I know whom are motivated in other ways (Extrinsic, Identified).  There is a place for all of us.   The only right or wrong is what we choose personally. 

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