"The only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday." Unknown
First it reminds us to not compare ourselves with others. Comparing just emphasizes the perceived difference without taking into account the circumstances. I recently was reminded of how quickly comparing ourselves to others can increase stress or depression, and lower self esteem. No two people are alike in every aspect of their being or circumstances, so comparison is never completely equal and always based on perception.
Second it reminds us to look at who we were, are and who we might become or be. What do we see in ourself that gives us joy? What makes us feel fulfilled and of worth? What are the traits we already possess we don't want or need to improve on? What lessons, good or bad, have been important in assisting us in becoming the person we are today? Is there something we think we could still learn or grow from? Is there a talent, skill or personality trait we would like to build on or change in some way? Do we even need to be better today than yesterday? Everyday does not have to be a forward step. I don't know about you, but I know I have days where just standing still and enjoying who and where I am at the moment without any change is a perfect day.
Third it encourages us to keep looking for ways to improve ourselves. It leaves the choice up to each person as to what we think would or could be better. It doesn't have to be big. Maybe it is a simple as smiling a little more today than yesterday. Maybe today we exercise one minute more than yesterday. Maybe today is the day for a change in the color of lipstick or the cologne worn in order to lift a spirit. Perhaps today is the day a new chapter in life begins. There is always a way to move, and the choice, big or little, forward or back, is ours to make.
I hope each of us can take a moment to see the good in ourselves and decide if we are great as we are or if we want to make an improvement. Share what you find, either here or with a friend.