Friday, October 3, 2014

Serve - Look Beyond Yourself

I have several people I know right now that are dealing with some level of depression.  When asked one of the most powerful tools I use in overcoming depression, my answer, after take care of yourself,  is SERVE.   It is rarely the answer they expect, but from personal experience, it is a powerful key. 
Most people I know, when asked to describe depression, will include feelings of isolation, hopelessness, despair, lack of energy and mental confusion or inability to make decisions.  All of these feelings are personal and real to those that experience any form of depression.  Any of these feelings are a signal you need to shift gears in order to avoid slipping further into despair. 
The first thing is to take care of yourself, starting with making sure you eat and get restful sleep. Call a doctor to make sure there is not a medical problem you are unaware of.   Then do something to lift your spirits and/or make you laugh.  Go for a walk or watching a funny movie works for many people.   Then Smile.
Now comes the shift. Stop dwelling on yourself,  Stop wondering if you are becoming or already are depressed because you probably are, but it is okay.  It is okay and I can assure you are not alone.  So now Look Beyond Yourself. .  Look around and realize there are other people around you.  Each one of them have needs or feelings exactly like yours.  What do you wish could happen to make your life better or easier.   Just as you, they need or want someone to care, to listen, to reach out and offer hope or assistance.  Whatever you decide you need or want,  look beyond yourself to find someone you feel could use that same thing and do it for them.  Call a friend and just tell them you are thinking about them.  Surprise a family member by doing one of their chores or preparing their favorite food.  Ask a family member or friend how they are doing and then just listen.  Send a card to someone to either thank them, tell them something you noticed them do or what you admire about them or a bit of encouragement.  Take a walk and say hello to or smile at 3 people before you get back to your own home.  Pick a flower (or a flowering weed, who cares) and give it to someone, just because they are there at that moment.  Keep it simple. 
The key isn't hard.  They key is to serve or touch someone else instead of looking for it to come to you.  The miracle is that as you do for others you will receive back exactly what you need.  In serving others you may receive the smile, thank you, appreciation, hug or unexpected response that helps in your own healing.   You cannot not give without receiving. You may receive from others or it may be a feeling within, but you will receive something good.  
I encourage you to test this for yourself.  Look Beyond Yourself.  Serve. Receive. 

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