Monday, November 4, 2013

Creative - You Are Already

I hear people around me at work and in social settings claim they are not creative.  The words vary, but the belief is the same.  Because they do not consider themselves artists, like those they admire, they do not think they are creative. 
Creative is defined in Websters' Dictionary as: 1) having or showing an ability to make new things or think of new ideas  2) using the ability to make or think of new things, 3) involving the process by which new ideas, stories, etc., are created  4) done in an unusual way. 
These definitions apply to me, to you, to almost everyone I know, and I would surmise to everyone you know as well.  They may not apply in the same way or frequency from one to another, but being creative is part of each of us.  Our ability to be creative is what makes each of us different.  Without the art of creativity we might all look, sound, act and behave the same.  
I would challenge you tomorrow to look at the many ways you and others you know are creative.  Do you get up from bed, brush your teeth, walk or sit the same way? 
What creative choices do you make when choosing the clothing to wear for the day? Do you just pick what ever your hand touches or do you take a moment to decide?  What colors do you choose?  Do you choose something formal or casual?  What pieces of clothing do you pick to wear together?  Do you choose this combination every day or do you have pieces of clothing you mix and match depending on your plans for the day?  Whether you choose the article of clothing or someone else chose it for you, there was a day when you used your creative abilities to create a look or feel you enjoyed.
We all have the ability to imagine.  Sometimes our imagination may be pleasing and at times it may resemble what some think of as worry.  Whatever it is in the next few days, take the time to give yourself credit for what you do with your imagination or unconscious reaction to imagination.  Catch yourself in the moments and recognize how often you are creative.  While you were talking to your friend on the phone, did you pick up a pencil and start doodling?   When you read your child his bedtime story did you pay attention to how the tone of voice you chose made the story more interesting or exciting?  When you picked up the crayons and coloring book your toddler left behind, did you pause to add a few lines of color to a picture?   Did you imagine some encouraging words to share with your child as she left for school or your husband as he left for work?  Did you sweep the floor from left to right or right to left today or did you sweep the outside edges before the middle?   When you added the icing to the cake you baked did you spread it smoothly, make swirls or add a design?  When you wrote out the checks for those many bills you wish you didn't have, did you sign your name exactly the same on each or were there a few strokes just slightly different on each?  When you heard your income could go down what did you imagine you might do to create a second income, use your savings to make ends meet or save money and live on less?  As you journeyed through your day did you create moments to eat, spend time with those you care about or even find a way to have five minutes to yourself?
Catch yourself making decisions or doing things you don't normally pay attention to.  Give yourself credit for using imagination or doing it differently than someone else.  Recognize you are more creative than you ever imagined.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Remember, Be and Learn - Counter Negative People

I am sure, like me, you occasionally have people that show up in your life that you would never think to invite, and wonder if you will survive the experience.  Yet they are there, through no action or invitation, and you get to or must find a way to get along with them.   Even more importantly than getting along with them, is you must find ways to remain your best self or love yourself through the experience of their presence, especially when their presence brings a great deal of negativity. 
So what do you do?  How do you cope with the negativity  without becoming entrapped in it yourself?  How can you counter the way they seem to bring you down with something to bring you up so you can find the balance you knew before their entrance?
You remember and be the person you were before they arrived.  I know.  I can hear your reply. "You don't understand how bad it is."  Believe me, yes I do understand.  I know it is not as easy as it sounds.  How do I know?  Because I have experienced this before, and am in the midst myself,of a similar situation.  So I will share, and hopefully we will both grow, learn, balance and reclaim our best selves. 
REMEMBER the person you were before they arrived.  Were you giving, loving or assisting?  Were you efficient, in control of your environment or achieving goals?  Were you knowledgeable, well trained or self-educated?  Were you skillful,  resourceful, imaginative or creative? Did you enjoy coming to work, school or the places you went each day?  Were you an example, and inspiration or a leader to others?   Did you believe you had talents, skills and abilities you shared with others? Did you have friends, acquaintances or co-workers you enjoyed being with or talking with? I am sure, just as I,  you can answer YES to a number of these questions. 
BE who you were and who you want to be.  You may have to make a few changes, but continue to be the best you have always been.  Friendships are forged through time, so continue your existing friendships. If the new person wants your friendship, they will watch and find a way to fit in.  Counter-balance negative emotions with positive feelings.  Bring a picture to put on your desk, sip a favorite drink or listen to music you enjoy.  Continue doing the things you are good at - helping others, training, sharing knowledge, leading others, creating new ideas or producing workable solutions.  Create win-win situations the same way you did before.  Find something in the situation you can overcame before and recall your success, then be and act like the successful person you are. 
Finally, LEARN from the  present. Discover something new about yourself.  Look at how the other person responds to the environment, you and other people.  Learn patience through understanding not all people think the same.  Allow the other person to have their opinion without feeling you need to give up or change your own opinions or beliefs.  Recognize your perception of the person may not be their reality.  If you find you cannot work with a certain person or personality, then find others you can work with to accomplish the same worthwhile goals or results. 
Three simple words, yet powerful when used together.  They work wonders- just give them time. 

Monday, October 21, 2013

More Life Skills

Bridge of Skills, besides being the name of this blog,  is the name of the book I just officially published in 2013.  Written several years ago, I share life skills, abilities and thinking I have found valuable and felt impressed to share with others.  

Through the years I have had many opportunities to evaluate this experience called life.  I have met and been taught by many people.   Like you, grandparents, parents, children and grandchildren have influenced my life.  I have been blessed, as many of you, with associates, mentors and teachers whom have increased my knowledge and ability to make wise, responsible choices.    I have also, because of family circumstances, had the opportunity to learn from therapists, doctors, social workers and even judges personal abilities and ways of choosing which I could call life skills. 

I hope you will join me as I share some of these skills, thoughts and lessons with you and others.  I invite you to share with friends and acquaintance the things you find of value and interest.  For in sharing we build bridges that connect us one with another. 

 If you have any ideas of what you would like to learn more about, please let me know.  Below are a few subjects which friends have asked me to share more thoughts about.  Life is seldom planned and doesn't always go as expected, so I am sure these are only a few of the subjects which will be discussed here and there may be no sense to the order other than inspiration or experiences which are pertinent for the moments as they come.   What I can promise is I will share from my heart and with genuine caring.

  • Attitude
  • Behaviors
  • Character/Ethics
  • Communication
  • Compassion/Empathy
  • Choices
  • Courtesy
  • Dealing w/Anger
  • Fairness
  • Forgiveness
  • Goal-setting/Purpose
  • Gratitude
  • Hope
  • Honesty/Integrity
  • Kindness/Caring
  • Overcoming Obstacles
  • Patience
  • Respect
  • Responsibility
  • Stress Management
  • Trustworthiness

...and much more



Saturday, September 21, 2013


I have had this blog for more than a year, yet have never posted on it.  So this is where I begin.
This is where I kick-off what I have thought of doing over the past year.  Here is where I start to share ideas, thoughts, encouragement and examples of how to live a calmer, more balanced life.  Hopefully we can start out together to teach, learn and grow through sharing what we have learned through the experiences of daily events and circumstances.  This is, hopefully, where we embark on a journey of discovery together.  I know I will learn from searching for enlightening information to include for your benefit.  My desire is that you too will find new light by looking  and finding the best within yourself.  Step up and remember what you may have forgotten or haven't used lately.  March toward developing talents you didn't realize you had. Open your heart and mind to something new.
Begin with me.