Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Four Levels of Motivation


Motivation is the internal state that propels individuals to engage in goal-directed behavior. It is often understood as a force that explains why people or animals initiate, continue, or terminate a certain behavior at a particular time. 

In a training I attended, we were taught that there are 4 distinct levels of motivation which most people experience.  The two basic levels are Internal and External, with each of these levels containing two sub-levels of awareness.  

External levels of motivation are so-called because they are centered in external gratification, getting approval, acceptance or fitting in within a relationship or society.   

  • The first of these is Consequence - This is the level a child begins at.  They do things because they are told, or because there is a perceived or real reward or consequence involved.  
  • The second of these is Social - One is motivated by what is expected.  A person may do something because they need to, it has be accomplished or done, with or without a reward or consequence.  This involves doing something just because it should be done in order to be accepted by society, someone in a relationship or an authority figure (parent, teacher, friends) 
Internal level of motivation are so-called because they are centered in internal gratification. This level is more personal and fulfilling.  

  • The third level is Agent -  On this level people are motivated by a feeling of freedom in choosing.  They are motivated to accomplish or act because they want to do it.  Engaging in a new habit, setting a goal, reading or learning something new are all examples of this level of motivation.  There is a personal satisfaction, irregardless of outside opinion or validation.  
  • The fourth level is Charity - On this level a person is motivated by love.  they do things because they love to do it.  They choose to do things which will make a difference, either to themselves or for others.  This level involves thinking and doing for others because it just feels good.  Any reward is internal - an inner feeling of accomplishment or love.