Saturday, September 21, 2013


I have had this blog for more than a year, yet have never posted on it.  So this is where I begin.
This is where I kick-off what I have thought of doing over the past year.  Here is where I start to share ideas, thoughts, encouragement and examples of how to live a calmer, more balanced life.  Hopefully we can start out together to teach, learn and grow through sharing what we have learned through the experiences of daily events and circumstances.  This is, hopefully, where we embark on a journey of discovery together.  I know I will learn from searching for enlightening information to include for your benefit.  My desire is that you too will find new light by looking  and finding the best within yourself.  Step up and remember what you may have forgotten or haven't used lately.  March toward developing talents you didn't realize you had. Open your heart and mind to something new.
Begin with me.